Friday, March 25, 2016

Easy Protective Hairstyles for Natural Hair

If you want to grow long natural hair protective styles are going to be key to your hair growing arsenal. Twist are an easy low maintenance protective natural hairstyle. All you need a one or two products, perhaps some elastics, and you're good to go!  They may take a minute to do, but once you're done you're going to love the results. Just be sure to protect them at night with a satin bonnet or silk pillowcase to increases the longevity of your beautiful style, and prevent breakage. Good luck y'all!

Easy Step-by-Step Headwrap Tutorial

This is by far one of the easiest headwrap tutorials I've seen. If you're ever experiencing a bad hair day this can definitely come in handy as the answer to your prayers!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Michelle Phan Honey and Aspirin Face Mask

If you want to learn more about the benefits of using Aspirin on the skin, then this is the video for you. She explains the benefits and the science behind Aspirin very well without being too scientific or confusing. Ya gotta love Michelle Phan! This mask really is great if you want a face mask that hydrates and exfoliates. The only thing I have to say in addition is that you want to buy honey that is raw unrefined. Honey that has been boiled and processed no longer contains the enzymes, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties that makes it such a beneficial skin care treatment. Enjoy!

Amazing Inexpensive Natural Skin Care Products


          Trying to lead a natural lifestyle can be hard and expensive, especially when it comes to finding natural skin care products. I can’t even begin to count all the hours I have spent researching online and scouring the supermarket aisles for the perfect natural skin care products that weren’t choke full of chemicals and so expensive that my lunch would consist of Ramen noodles for a month. Thankfully all my research and sleuthing has paid off. Below are the three inexpensive natural skin care products that have revolutionized my skin care routine and gifted me with the best skin I’ve ever had. 
           Honey has been known as the Holy Grail of skin care for centuries. It’s antibacterial properties make it great for treating the satanic skin plague known more commonly as acne and other infections. It’s full of antioxidants and let me tell you, if you’re struggling with dry tired looking skin, honey will be the answer to your prayers! Also if you have sensitive skin you’ll want to give honey a try. It’s easy on the skin all while doing a great job of cleansing and moisturizing. However, when buying honey make sure you purchase it in its raw form. Raw honey, as opposed to pasteurized or filtered honey, contains all the amazing antibacterials and other helpful skin properties formerly mentioned. If you’re looking for an effective exfoliating concoction honey and Aspirin make a fabulous team. 
           So many skin care products claim to have the ingredient Shea. Now, what exactly is Shea? Shea is actually a nickname for Shea butter. Shea butter is a fat removed from the nut of the African Shea Tree and it is absolutely amazing. It’ll leave your skin more moisturized and supple than lotion or oil and it also works as a mild sunscreen. It’s great for sensitive or dry skin and skin healing properties out of this world.
           Coconut oil has been all the rage recently especially concerning skin care. Coconut oil is packed with Vitamin E and wonderful skin loving fat. Vitamin E is necessary for healthy skin because if promotes skin repair and keeps skin supple. The fats found in coconut oil act as a protective barrier that helps skin to retain moisture and give you that glowing moisturized look that you so desired.
           My lovely people, all the items mentioned above are definitely natural skin care products worth investing in. They can all be found in purely organic form and won’t leave your wallet crying. Enjoy and happy skin care!

Honey- purchased at Wal- Mart
Shea Butter- New Orleans French Market
Coconut Aisle- Wal-Mart cooking aisle

Not Just Another Healthy Living Blog

Black, Green, and Natural
Who am I?
Well first of all I’m Asha and I’m from the lovely state of Louisiana. Natural living and natural beauty alternatives alway were of great interest to me and after deciding to go the more natural route with my life I started trying to infuse my fashion/beauty blog with more naturally focused things like natural D.I.Y tutorials, and alternative natural products. I enjoyed being able to post about two things I felt very passionate about, but I struggled with trying to give each topic equal weight. When I discovered that I really wanted to blog about was natural living and natural beauty I decided to create Black, Green, and Natural.
What is Black, Green, and Natural?
Originally Black, Green, and Natural was meant to be a Tumblr blog, but I believe its true home is here on Blogger. So if some of this content looks familiar it's because I exporting content from my Tumblr version of this blog. Black, Green, and Natural is a blog totally devoted toward spreading (and pursuing) natural knowledge. And keep in mind the name is not just a snappy combination of words, but actually has meaning.                                  
Black- The natural movement has mostly thrived in white culture and been seen from mostly that perspective. I want to show the movement from a culturally black perspective and represent the black naturalist that do indeed exist! This however in no one way means I will only discuss black interest. Black, Green, and Natural is a blog for anyone who wants to learn and obtain knowledge about natural living.
Green- There are tons of small things you can do to live a greener and more Earth-friendly lifestyle. It’s a common misconception that you have to do something drastic to help the environment, but little things make a huge difference. Instead of always buying new plastic water bottles why not just buy a reusable bottle? Not only will you save tons of plastic, but also money!
To put it simply, I love natural living. I’m now a healthier, happier, and more aware person because of it. What actually lead me to the natural movement was making the decision to stop using harsh chemicals (Relaxers) on my hair, and ever since then I’ve been trying to live as natural a life as possible. I am a strong believer in clean eating (which has allowed me to keep a consistent healthy weight), I research the ingredients of any not purely natural product or substance that goes on or in my body, and homemade remedies have become my life. Being that I am a broke individual whose earning minimum wage- this has been fabulous.
Here are a couple of quick disclaimers. Some aspects of my diet and some products I use are not straight natural. I do indulge in some processed foods, but I avoid ultra-processed foods like the plague. Consuming solely organic food is out of the question (once again, I’m broke), but I’ve been able to manage a well-balanced diet or clean and slightly processed foods. Also, I do not use solely natural products. Some of the products I use do have chemicals, but I try to stick with products whose ingredient list is as minimal and recognizable possible.
To sum it all up natural living is my passion, and Black, Green, and Natural is a devoted to the pursuit of natural living knowledge.D.I.Y natural beauty tricks, ways to live a healthier or green friendly life, and who knows what else will be featured here. Remember when you chose to live natural you choose control. You have the power!